The other week, this article appeared within the London Metro
World's oldest woman Antisa Khvichava turns 130:
Antisa Khvichava, a woman from a remote village in west Georgia, has turned 130, making her the oldest person in the world by 16 years, officials claimed.
Yes, this claim is suspect. Being born in 1880, losing her birth certificate and having a child at 60, who is now himself 70.
But what about the official oldest people in the world - Eugénie Blanchard (1896-) Walter Breuning (1896-) and the UK record holders Eunice Bowman (1898-) and Claude Choules(1901-)
What is the one thing they all have in common apart from being old, grey and wrinkly?
Whenever a journalist comes knocking on their door asking ‘why they have lived so long’ secretly hoping that they will state ‘oh, I’ve got the fountain of youth in my back garden’
The boring answer they actually receive is ‘I keep myself busy and working.’
Now, I have lived through the lazy teenage years, eating sweets and playing the latest GTA consistently. However I now find myself being uber busy, undertaking more opportunities and roles then physically possible, whilst also being addicted to twitter and chocolate digestives. With the added bonus of believing I’m fitter and healthy then ever!
So when my friends say ‘I cannot be bothered to recycle because it takes too much energy’ or ‘doing community work is pointless as I know one day I will move somewhere else’
Due to the presented evidence I can say something along the lines of -
If you recycle, if you do community work, if you do all the environmental and sustainable stuff that is, as evidence suggests good for the planet – you will keep yourself consistently busy and working hard just like Antisa Khvichava the oldest woman in the world has been doing for the last 130 years!
What is more persuasive then that? Living forever and annoying your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. Due to helping save the planet,
So yes, this blog has just confirmed and given you further artillery in turning people and friends green.
Use it well.
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